Copyright Law: Title 17 of the United States Code
Stated succinctly, almost anything “fixed in a tangible medium of expression” can be the subject matter of a copyright. This includes original creative works such as stories, novels, poems, cookbooks, songs, movies, photographs, computer software, and even architecture works (blueprints/drawings/buildings).
The steps required to secure a copyright are outlined below. Business Patent Law, PLLC can assist with the process.
Step 1: Prepare Application
Business Patent Law, PLLC prepares an Application for United States Copyright Registration. (An initial retainer is required before the Application for Copyright Registration is prepared and The Registrar of Copyrights requires a filing fee. See to determine current fees.)
Step 2: Await Response
Generally, in approximately 6-15 months, the applicant will be in possession of their United States Copyright Registration.
Step 3: Addressing Rejection
On rare occasions, a Copyright Examiner may refuse to grant Copyright Registration. Business Patent Law, PLLC can prepare a reply to the Copyright Examiner’s refusal. Attorneys fees will be associated with the Applicant’s response to the Copyright Office. Before filing the Applicant’s response, a member of Business Patent Law, PLLC will discuss potential costs.
If you need assistance preparing your application for copyright, or a response following a rejection, contact Business Patent Law, PLLC.